
WarBall "Football for Entire World & Greatest Contact Sport"

Reinvented football as WarBall to be the greatest sport on the planet, has three times the action, is safer and designed for global demographics with martial arts, women warriors, safe weapons and war dogs and horses. PS Obviously our sport needs video to show properly, but there is a 20 meg limit on this platform, and zero vids can be seen on the pitch deck. So, please go to https://bangball.org/why-warball-is-football-for-the-rest-of-the-world-and-the-greatest-contact-sport/ (there are clickable links to this in other sections below so keep reading for easy way to click and then see the videos)

Santa Rosa, CA, USA

One Liner

One Liner
Reinvented football as WarBall to be the greatest sport on the planet, has three times the action, is safer and designed for global demographics with martial arts, women warriors, safe weapons and war dogs and horses. PS Obviously our sport needs video to show properly, but there is a 20 meg limit on this platform, and zero vids can be seen on the pitch deck. So, please go to https://bangball.org/why-warball-is-football-for-the-rest-of-the-world-and-the-greatest-contact-sport/ (there are clickable links to this in other sections below so keep reading for easy way to click and then see the videos)

What Problem We are Solving


Reinvented football as WarBall to be the greatest sport on the planet, has three times the action, is safer and designed for global demographics with martial arts, women warriors, safe weapons and war dogs and horses. 
Obviously our sport needs video to show properly, but there is a 20 meg limit on this platform, and zero vids can be seen on the pitch deck. So, please go to https://bangball.org/why-warball-is-football-for-the-rest-of-the-world-and-the-greatest-contact-sport

The joy of football is deserved by all, but in Asia and elsewhere football's acceptance has been dismal. WarBall will be embraced as more culturally compatible, and since we emphasize skill over size and strength, smaller people and women will excel, as weapon and martial arts proficiency is a great equalizer. Starting with Team USA and forming 6-8 international teams, our demographic reach will overcome all the reasons why football is not resonating globally.
As seen in our Pitch Deck, youth football is declining by as much as 30%, and the youth version of WarBall uses our patented disablement devices instead of tackling or blocking, though even with normal play, WarBall is much safer. WarBall will overcome the resistance to playing football and develop a amateur format at the youth level and beyond

About Us

About Us

WarBall was started to save football for our youth, then morphed into a Professional version that is compatible internationally for everyone. Our local High School suspended football after 100 years of history. So our product has two purposes, to change football so as to continue to attract young people. and provide a great service  for the global community by creating a  version that someday will bring as much joy and passion to people that football does in the USA.


I know WarBall is barely out of the embryonic stage, and it may seem presumptuous to speak "globally" but I suppose that is my job. What follows, however, are my true beliefs, and not embellishments, and reasonably based on data I have researched, as I hope the reader understands.

How does WarBall win over non football fans here and overseas?

In Asia, despite marital art's proliferation of  MMA "cage or "ring"  broadcasting, MMA is not a mainstream sport like soccer or cricket . There are 100's of millions of people that practice martial arts worldwide and a team format such as WarBall would validate their (Martial Arts) culture as  deserving  and equal to the mainstream sports mentioned.

They would  intuitively recognize that an "Asian FootBall" version could be as special as the NFL, even if they do not embrace the NFL per se. They would thus support WarBall in a parental way, so to speak, to hope something they do as an activity would  grow to be validated by all people they know who love WarBall.

 There are 150 Million NFL fans outside of the United States, about the same number as found in the U.S. Clearly a huge market exists, and my final point is MMA cage fighting is not something families or friends watch together, so lacks the way football is as much  a social event as it is  entertainment. I think a culture of people not familiar with football would intuitively know that when they consider accepting WarBall.

What are the criteria needed to succeed?

 In reading our pitch deck and also my answers in other sections here, one would  see that for a new football league  to succeed it must provide true entertainment value and have reasons for its fans to have a 'tribal' type of loyalty - as if they are part of the team. 

Entertainment value is the superb visuals of football but also 3 times the action per our weapons and rules of engagement. Not to mention female soldiers and animals.  So vital entertainment value is provided, per the requirement above, and it is helped by a wide demographic reach. 

We choose a country versus country format, which together with WarBall's quasi-military vibe, instills loyalty that runs deep as the love of country. It helps that most countries we would have are competing with one another in the past and in current times. China vs. USA or Japan  would, for example,  be something that sells itself as their rivalry is a given..

Looking forward, Germany vs. France or the U.K. would be another. Adding historical uniforms  (Samurai for example)  to these contests only magnifies the effect. In short, people love their country and remember their history and this evokes deep rooted loyalty, and there is 5000 years of human conflict in which to develop this appeal. The second criteria for success is thus met with WarBall.

We believe our patents and prospects for growth as above allow for a valuation of $2,000,000 We offer a two shares for one equity purchase as if the valuation was $1,000,000, however as described in out pitch deck. This offer may close at anytime, just to be clear.

We started during Covid and can't acquire, even to this day, quality soldiers to show by video how the game works. It is necessary to compensate them, so to field 30 soldiers is costly and I have to build 16 more uniforms. Each helmet (used) costs around $300 including the labor and parts modifications. Seed money to do this would light a fire of interest

is the link to a pitch deck where the videos play.

Venture Highlights

Everyone is crazy about  it without even knowing how the the plan would work. We intend on licensing WarBall, not building our own teams. The NFL, CFL, UFC, WWE sports companies would be interested as would original content streaming companies such as NetFlix, Amazon, etc. . This will offload the costs.  We could, however, build our own international league if  broadcast companies provide the production money (FOX paid the USFL $150M upfront for example). Licensing is phenomenally profitable as our pitch deck and business plan shows. 

However,  when I think about WarBall , and the non-profit league, the NBL, it's the proverbial disruptive, cutting edge version of football. True enough. And so you're gonna get some flak. But it also has deeper impact socially, as a merger of cultures. Literally East meeting West. Lessons could be learned from the past and present, cultures better understood, taking the best from both. So that's one highlight.

Another would be getting females involved playing football. Our rules, where you have to use a weapon against a disablement device * or MMA move first before making a block or tackle, makes skill more important than size or strength. The day a 110 pound women, using the weapon's first rule to her advantage,  overcomes a huge offensive lineman and sacks the QB,  little girls and  all the world will rejoice. 

Making a sport safer for our youth (if you see our pitch deck, the data shows a 10-30% decline in football youth programs) is another high point. We have eliminated high speed collisions for the most part by our rules of engagement. We can even eliminate tackling and blocking for youth leagues, and rely strictly on disabling devices to make tackles and block.

We have had just two practices. Up until then, the game was largely in my head, though  there has been many one on one test sessions. Finally seeing it in a team format validated the concept. The biggest hurdle was to gauge player enthusiasm and if the visuals were as attractive as I anticipated. The fighters were enraptured, and the visuals were amazing. My friends at these practices were new to WarBall and are not martial artists or weapons experts, so the visuals will someday be greatly improved with experts (and females) in these fields.

We started looking for seed money to compensate these types of athletes to facilitate this. With this seed money we will make high quality promotional film, we can take it to investors to help fund  our test games. We have nurtured many high level contacts at large sport and broadcast companies over the last two years. Next, we will have first round financing for test games to show our viability/profitability and we will license the sport to one of them.

Last, our merchandise sister company 84 Brand (dormant for now but viewable) non profit sells warrior and Buddhist clothing with partial profits returned to the areas they are manufactured. We hope as WarBall grows 84 will become a world wide success catering towards the world's 1.5 billion Buddhists, large base of martial artists and eventual WarBall fans.  The 8 stands for the eight virtues of the Samurai, the 4 is the four noble truths of Buddhism. It is implied if you wear the 84 logo you are chivalrous (8) and compassionate (4). And,  you love WarBall. https://www.budshido84.org for more info

More practically speaking, we have provisional patents for our helmets, football weapon, nano enabled 'smart sleeves' and process patent pending on the WarBall game itself. It may not be much but I am proud the 3/4 scale football field I single-handedly built (with one sprinkler) on my property during Covid, not knowing what else to do. 

* see the pitch deck for info on the disablement devices

Business Model

Business Model
We would gratefully ask for funding to improve our promotional videos and acquire soldier as a first step. $20,000 in costs and a 2 shares for 1 discount.

Our goal is to eventually license Warball as Plan A to large fight (WWE, UFC, PFL)  or sport companies (NFL XFL, CFL, USFL, or if funding  from a broadcast company is found,  we will build our own league as Plan B. We pit nation against nation, thinking we will get viewership support right off the bat from a large base, starting with TEAM USA and TEAM Mexico.

But first need to establish the concept (and need First Round funding for that) in order to market the venture.

Proof of concept in order to  acquire licensees/partner :

 Three phases are needed to flesh out the concept, each one making/incurring more revenue/expense than the next and finally profitability/investor return.

Funding  for proof of concept in 3 phases :
1) USE LOCAL TALENT: A test contest of USA vs Mexico : USA fighters VERSUS local Mexican nationals or USA citizens with Mexican heritage $75,000 in costs, no revenue -  Streaming on web for free

2) GAMES WITH UPGRADED TALENT: Exhibition PPV game, roster of recognized UFC/WWE and footballers $300,000 revenue/$300,000 expense (break even)

3) ACTUAL COUNTRY VS. TEAM USA PPV $900,000 revenue/$600,000 expense    $300,000 profit

Competitive Advantage


WarBall is the first to reinvent or reengineer football, making it unique and without peer in that regard.  WB has patents, the football that incorporates a fighting stick, devices that disable or impair vision or movement, and process patents protecting the format.. Advantage also is its appeal to non football demographics due to revolutionary features such as Martial Arts, women warriors, animals and safe weapons. It serves a global market that will overcome bias towards football with its inclusive format. 

To that end, we are globally attractive and will be specific to each culture, someday with historical uniforms and exploiting rivalries (think China vs. Japan, France vs. Germany) . Add this to the off the chart inclusive demographics and more important than anything is our game is safer for youth.

More will eventually play it and become life long fans and supporters.  It should not be overlooked many or our devices are provisionally patented. 

Football has the greatest visuals of any sport. WB's version of football has triple the visuals or action on any given play. WB rules require specific action (Martial Art’s move, weapon’s engagement, or triggering a impairment device) before a tackle or block. The opponent must defend these actions, as act number 2, and finally a block or tackle will take place as act number 3. 


Revenue To Date
Revenue YTD
Burn Rate


Total Users
Total Users (Past 30 Days)
Daily Active Users
Monthly Active Users
Total Paying Users
MoM Growth Users
Organic Traffic %

Customer Costs


Go-To Market Strategy

Business Strategy
  We direct market to high level people in the broadcasting and sport industries. Email, phone, and postal are the means used. In particular combat sports companies such as the UFC, PFL, WWE and NFL, XFL, USFL We target our social media to also reach these segments. International players in these markets are also approached, such as ONE Championship in Singapore. All want more video, with more soldiers. We have a sister company the 84 Brand which markets warrior and Buddhist themed clothing and accessories. It is designed specifically to cross market with WarBall. It is an on line store   that is dormant but viewable, www.budshido84.org

To reach  NFL levels of popularity, I quote Andrew Kline, founder of the investment bank Park Lane, which specializes in sports investments,  how a new league (the XFL in this case) could succeed. 
"Attention spans in sports have changed," said Kline, "If the XFL is going to work, they're going to need to modernize the sport in a way that the NFL doesn't really have to. The NFL is incredibly successful because it's more than entertainment. It's more like religion or tribalism. It pulls people in much deeper around whatever the shield is of the team in your local market. There's a following because of that. They have a tribal selling point, where the XFL is going to need [without tribalism] a true entertainment and engagement selling point." 

WarBall visuals captures both football fan and non fan segments: women, animal lovers, ancient weapon/archery fans, and young people. MMA fans are globally large in numbers. Animal participation, all segments would be attracted to this. Women want to see other women play football, and WarBall has less violence with emphasis on visual art. Team USA has domestic footprint as does the overseas teams. Historical uniforms adds appeal to each segment's family heritage. Football action will retain male viewers. 

 An additional consideration is the entry of new football leagues (the XFL/USFL) concludes that market research must have shown there is a willing segment for new football. However, there has been multiple failures over 20 years for new football leagues. WarBall acquires the verified segment wanting more football, but adds other segments (as discussed) so that viewership is sufficient to sustain growth. 

Team USA/Mexico have a nationwide pool of viewers, increasing viewership. Licensing WB to giant fight or football companies offloads game promotion and expenses. As does the alternative, sales of broadcast rights to broadcasters and internet (streaming) pay per view providers. Loyalty for one's country is strong in sports. Promotion by the broadcaster and social media targeting massive fan base of football, MMA, female warriors, animals, historical uniforms, exploiting rivalries ( e.g., USA v China)

We believe it is worth the extra expense to have 6 to 8 international teams so as to engender rivalries/tribalism  between countries. Loyalty to one's country begets loyalty to WarBall.  Most of the countries have a history of past conflict against one another. . Moreover, as mentioned, an entire country will tune in not just a city as in the NFL. For logistical and financial efficiency, all games initially to be played in the USA. Such things as horses and canines can be shared between the teams.

Once established in Asia and Mexico, per the pitch deck data, the countries for WB expansion  that have the strongest base of football fans are  Germany, Brazil, Canada and Britain. I believe the Middle East, with its history of martial weapons warfare, cavalry and popularity of other arts, would be very receptive to WarBall. Again, exploiting ancient rivalries using historical uniforms would be a  strong sell point. WB reaches Mr. Kline's tribal aspects, something he says only the NFL has. WB also has the entertainment and engagement he states as a requirement. Having all these things makes WB better positioned strategically than the XFL and, surprisingly, even better than the NFL.

is the link to a pitch deck where the videos play.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysys
Competitors are football entities such as the NFL, College,  a loyal fan base and the legacy of 100 years of football. However, extensive media creates saturation, solved by WB as superior, unique product, expanding the audience. Superior visuals/features capture increasingly low attention span viewers plus superior demographics that competition doesn't reach: MMA fans, Martial Artists, females, international viewers.

As a safer sport, young people will want to/be allowed to play, bettering competition Speaking of which, as our pitch deck shows, youth 16-25 are dropping as football viewers and participants. WarBall seeks to recover this generation who will respond to our progressive contributions to gender equity and cultural understanding.
Competitor Website
Fifa fifa.com
NCAA ncaa.org
nfl nfl.com


We are open to meeting up to grab a coffee, or just to chat. We would really enjoy your feedback and insight into our venture and would be happy to discuss anything that you are currently working on to see if we can be of service!


Number of Founders
First-Generation College Student(s)




Business Stage

Business Stage
Mvp Built

Business Type

Business Types




Last Updated: 01/01/23

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