
Kneevoice Inc.

Kneevoice is a first of its kind MedTech platform applied to orthopedics that is noninvasive, no-radio, no-pharma. The Kneevoice device can give you a true diagnosis of the status of the patellofemoral joint by detecting and analyzing sounds and vibration.

Not Set

One Liner

One Liner
Kneevoice is a first of its kind MedTech platform applied to orthopedics that is noninvasive, no-radio, no-pharma. The Kneevoice device can give you a true diagnosis of the status of the patellofemoral joint by detecting and analyzing sounds and vibration.

What Problem We are Solving

The exact problem we are trying to solve is the early diagnosis of Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis (PFOA). Can be defined in several aspects: • Physiological Problem: PFOA. Early diagnosis is critical in preventing the onset and progression of the kneecap cartilage damage. When anterior knee pain appears it is usually the consequence of severe cartilage damage that may require medical or surgical knee interventions. • Diagnostic Problem: Precise and dynamic diagnosis of PF cartilage damage cannot be obtained with high specificity or sensitivity with X-rays, CT scans or MRI. KneeVoice gives a precise easy to read assessment of PF Cartilage damage. • Interpretation Problem: The analysis of PFOA data is usually done by specialists different from the treating physician. (Radiologist and others) KneeVoice give the specialist the opportunity to assess personally and directly in his office or practice the cartilage damage score and repeat it on every medical visit. With a device that is noninvasive, pain free and without exposure to damaging or toxic elements. • Costs Problem: Monitoring PF cartilage damage requires expensive diagnostic tools such as MRI or CT scans. Knee Voice provides active dynamic live information at very low cost. 

About Us

About Us
1 in 5 adults in the US suffer from knee pain or basically 75million, OA affects over 50 million US adults, It’s estimated that approximately 250 million people worldwide are affected by the degradation of cartilage in the knee (knee osteoarthritis, or knee OA), as of 2018. In today’s landscape when people have knee problems the diagnosis options are expensive, time consuming, cumbersome and in some cases invasive. What we developed at Kneevoice is a platform technology based on Machine learning and neural-networks applied to orthopedics that is a simple yet sophisticated diagnosis devise that not invasive, by capturing sound and vibrations provides a precise analysis of the status of the cartilage in your knees. This came about thanks to the more than 20 years’ experience of our co-founder Dr. Carlos Leal that since his early years as fellow at Harvard medical school and NYU has been researching bio-mechanics of the knee. Today we have commercial devices, We have raised more than $2.1 M dollars and we are seeking an additional funding to bring us to production of our devices at scale, development of market and the Kneevoice wearable. 

Venture Highlights

On the Hardware side - we already have commercial devices (NOT prototypes but ready to scale devices)
On the software side - Propitiatory Algorithm and Machine learning created and tested
On the Medical side - more than 3600 knees studied, Medical trials for verification on 120 patients
On the certification side - Presented Pre-Submission to FDA in February, Second Pre-Submission in July target for final submission by the end of the year or early January 2024.
On the Legal side - Strong IP for use already granted and published for the US and Europe including England, design patents in US, Europe, UK, Japan, China, India and Korea

Business Model

Business Model
We are emulating an strategy developed by the large orthopedic companies in the world Stryker, Zimmer Biometh,and others.
We have a low cost for our hardware to cover the cost of production and shipping to Drs, General Practitioners, Sport Medicine, Orthopedic specialists etc., Hospitals, Physical Therapists,  Physical Trainers, Sports Medical services, Medicare compliance, and more.
Then there is a modified SaaS component where we sell subscription to tests done through our devices the subscription is for 30 test at a time that should be completed within a month at a revenue for us of $20 per exam.  If there is more than 3 months where the device is not used at that level it will be picked-up and relocated to a new user.
The device plus the cost of consignment should be covered within 3 months - depending on the use.

Competitive Advantage

That we have a simple not invasive device that will transform the diagnosis of cartilage degradation and early onset of Osteoarthritis.
That as simple as our device looks is a sophisticated diagnosis devices based on machine Learning, Neural-Networks for sounds filtration and an algorithm that has been proven to provide precise information (diagnosis) of cartilage deterioration.
People should invest in Kneevoice because we have already done the heavy lifting - today we already have devices that could to be produced at scale, we have finalized the certification process, we have strong IP and most important a strong and enthusiastic team that has been working at this for more than 5 years following the dream of Dr. Leal, Orthopedic Surgeon, that has been researching bio-mechanics of the knee since his early years as fellow at Harvard medical school and NYU.


Revenue To Date
Revenue YTD
Burn Rate


Total Users
Total Users (Past 30 Days)
Daily Active Users
Monthly Active Users
Total Paying Users
MoM Growth Users
Organic Traffic %

Customer Costs


Go-To Market Strategy

Business Strategy
We are emulating an strategy developed by the large orthopedic companies in the world Stryker, Zimmer Biometh,and others.
We have a low cost for our hardware to cover the cost of production and shipping to Drs, General Practitioners, Sport Medicine, Orthopedic specialists etc., Hospitals, Physical Therapists,  Physical Trainers, Sports Medical services, Medicare compliance, and more.
Then there is a modified SaaS component where we sell subscription to tests done through our devices the subscription is for 30 test at a time that should be completed within a month at a revenue for us of $20 per exam.  If there is more than 3 months where the device is not used at that level it will be picked-up and relocated to a new user.
The device plus the cost of consignment should be covered within 3 months - depending on the use.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysys
Today Knee cartilage diagnosis is done through X-Rays, MRIs and Arthroscopic Interventions.
GOur product and service is better because it is a simple yet sophisticated device that Drs, and Clinicians can use at their practice without having to send the patient to a third party provider.
Also is better because is fast, non-invasive, non-pharma and no radio waves.
And most important is better because is very inexpensive!
Finally it creates a great relationship between the Dr. and the patients, most Drs. using it today tell us about the customer service experience and how our devices has improved it.
Competitor Website
Siemens www.siemens-healthineers.com
Phillips www.usa.philips.com
Companies that manufacture MRIs - General Eletric, Siemens, Phillips www.gehealthcare.com,


We are open to meeting up to grab a coffee, or just to chat. We would really enjoy your feedback and insight into our venture and would be happy to discuss anything that you are currently working on to see if we can be of service!



Name Amount
Amount Left $760,000.00
Amount Raised (This Round) $240,000.00
Amount Raise To Date $2.1M
Type of Raise Convertible Note

Friends & Family
Seed Bridge



Business Stage

Business Stage

Business Type

Business Types



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