

Dosen is a digital learning platform that powers Enterprise-grade learning programs (mentoring, bootcamps, consulting etc) through a suite of engagement, learning and Insights tools.

Not Set

One Liner

One Liner
Dosen is a digital learning platform that powers Enterprise-grade learning programs (mentoring, bootcamps, consulting etc) through a suite of engagement, learning and Insights tools.

What Problem We are Solving

Our beachhead market is the $6.3T Education market (Universities & Development organizations) who are attempting to modernize and digitize their learning methods. There is a disconnect between what they do today and what is expected of them however - Only 3% of the $6.3T Education market is spent on ‘digital’ in spite of 73% of students expecting their learning to be online - The number 1 complaint from students is how anti-social learning is and 78% of them expect to use more ‘communication’ platforms as part their learning - 83% of all learning is informal so mentoring, coaching, bootcamps, peer learning etc are all exploding in popularity (https://www.holoniq.com/edtech-in-10-charts) All of our target Enterprises offer mentoring programs but 90% do not yet use a digital learning platform like Dosen to support them. They try and manage their programs using a combination of email, multiple video platforms and multiple chat platforms and it’s generally a mess. They have no way of knowing what’s happening and satisfaction is usually low. Of the 10% that do use a platform, they’re facing 2 major problems 1. Engagement in their programs is low and hard to positively affect and 2. Proving the Impact of their programs is almost impossible

About Us

About Us
Dosen is a digital learning platform that supports a suite of learning methods (mentoring, coaching, bootcamps etc). Dosen combines all of the tools necessary (video calling, chat, calendars, libraries etc) to drive higher levels of engagement and a unique level of insight. Our product uniquely achieves 3 key things for our clients 1. Increased engagement – Our platform is Slack-like in terms of its design and offers the same social, sticky and intuitive experience to users. This drives greater engagement (engagement rates increased from 9% to 100% with one of our clients) and communication which solves the first problem our customers face 2. Improved oversight & Insight – Dosen combines all the tools required to allow program members to interact and learn (video calling, chat, calendars, libraries etc). Every action on these tools is tracked and presented back to program owners in real time (150+ data points). This provides them with (i) the opportunity to easily manage and affect positive change within their program and (ii) measure and report on the impact of their program 3. Higher quality learning – Dosen offers bespoke Mentoring, Coaching and Bootcamp features and has the capacity to offer many more. We will build some and partner (eg Udemy, Coursera) to offer others. Because of the levels of engagement, oversight and bespoke learning tools the quality of learning improves on Dosen (from 3.5 to 4.9 out of 5) Enterprise learning programs look a little like Sharepoint today. Dosen is modernizing them to look like Slack.

Business Model

Business Model
Dosen is a SaaS platform and we currently operate a business model identical to Salesforce with 3 revenue streams within each contract

 - Monthly support fee - covers support and hosting
 - Usage fee - annual fee / user
 - Professional Services fees - for any bespoke development work required

In time we will progress to a Slack like model which will focus primarily on a monthly usage / user fee

Our ACV is currently $50k with all usage fees set to increase in 2023

Competitive Advantage

There are three things make Dosen really special:

  1. Engagement levels - We fundamentally believe that the success of any 'learning' platform is determined by the engagement of it's users. Because of how we've built Dosen (i) proprietary video calling, messaging, calendar, libraries etc technology allows us to create experiences others can't and (ii) the core of the platform is a messaging system (like Slack) which means that communication, connection and social are imbedded within the experience; our engagement rates are higher than any others we've seen. We took our first clients engagement rates from 9% to 100% in 12 weeks.
  2. Unparalleled oversight & insight - Because we have combined all of the tools necessary to communicate and learn on one platform (and because we have built bespoke technologies) we can track everything that happens on Dosen. This allows us to present back to Program owners and users 150+ real time data points to allow for greater performance mgmt, community mgmt and insights. The 'Impact' of the program is finally possible to articulate through Dosen
  3. Dosen is stickier than gum - Because Dosen unlocks value through relationships, engagement and data; leaving the platform would result in clients losing access to a huge amount of insight and end relationships developed on the platform


Revenue To Date
Revenue YTD
Burn Rate

Customer Costs


Go-To Market Strategy

Business Strategy
You can see more detail on slide 8 and 10 of the pitch deck but please find below a breakdown of our Go to Market strategy

Target Market

 - Education (beachhead target)
 - Workplace

Target Customer

  1. Universities & Colleges (beachhead target)
  2. Govt & Development organizations (beachhead target)
  3. Professional bodies
  4. Venture Capital
  5. Corporate workplace

Sales Pipelines

  1. Outbound sales directly to client - started April
    1. Cold outreach (21% CR%)
    2. Through public tendering sites 
  2. Outbound sales to Intermediaries - started August
    1. Partner with consultants - 1st partner in place
    2. Partner with LMS platforms (Blackboard, Moodle etc) - CSO recently joined to unlock this pipeline
  3. Inbound sales - Marketing, PR etc - not started

Sales Proposition

  1. Mentoring (available now)
  2. Bootcamps (available now)
  3. Courses
  4. Certificate / degree program

You can see more about our overall strategy and exit plan here https://youtu.be/hL6Csb5YfAI

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysys
Dosen exists at the intersection of Community and Advice, both highly active and defensible sectors. There are a number of 'operators' in both sectors but because of how we've built Dosen, direct competitors are hard to identify. Instead I'll share who we consider to the be the best in a number of fields (i) Mentoring (ii) Communication (iii) Community and why Dosen is unique.

Why is your product or service better? What gives you a competitive advantage over the three listed below?

The unique combination of our proprietary technologies (Messaging, video, learning features) means that we are driving a higher engagement rate than other platforms, higher quality of mentoring than competitors (we increased rates from 3.5 to 4.9 out of 5) and a level of insight that isn't possible anywhere else.
We have enabled our clients to not just identify who is communicating with who, about what and to what level of quality. But we're also allowing them to measure the 'Impact' of their program. Impact can be difficult to articulate and capture but the Dosen platform does both and results in a huge step change in how our clients are talking about their programs (our first client doubles their funding and won program of the year, within 12 weeks...)
Competitor Website
Mighty Networks www.mightynetworks.com
Slack slack.com
Chronus chronus.com


We are open to meeting up to grab a coffee, or just to chat. We would really enjoy your feedback and insight into our venture and would be happy to discuss anything that you are currently working on to see if we can be of service!



Name Amount
Amount Left $300,000.00
Amount Raised (This Round) $1,200,000.00
Amount Raise To Date $1.2M
Type of Raise Equity




Business Stage

Business Stage

Business Type

Business Types
Venture Capital Backed



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