Solving a global health crisis with undetected concussions and limited data, providing an app to aid in concussion detection and return to play, for MDs, athletes and coaches. Charging an annual fee to ...
San Francisco, CA, USA
One Liner
One Liner
Solving a global health crisis with undetected concussions and limited data, providing an app to aid in concussion detection and return to play, for MDs, athletes and coaches. Charging an annual fee to ...
What Problem We are Solving
Concussions are a global public health crisis. An estimated 5 million concussions go undetected each year, 50% of athletes/active individuals and military personnel return to activity the same day, leaving them vulnerable to prolonged recovery times and life altering health risks. Concussions go undiagnosed because warning signs are difficult to identify with the naked eye and few have the resources or medical knowledge to accurately diagnose signs of a concussion. Existing tools/devices to diagnose a concussion are antiquated, difficult to use, expensive and do not collect valuable data. HitCheck is targeting athletes, active consumers and military personnel. VIDEO LINK:
About Us
About Us
HitCheck has solved a worldwide health crisis surrounding undetected concussions and limited data collection by providing a mobile app to aid in concussion detection and return to activity decisions, assisting medical providers, athletic trainers, coaches and active individuals in helping to identify signs of a concussion.
We are open to meeting up to grab a coffee, or just to chat.
We would really enjoy your feedback and insight into our venture and would be happy to discuss anything that you are currently working on to see if we can be of service!
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