Magnaboard is not only the worlds only hidden Fastening system, but we will be launching our product in cellular PVC baseboard, which is far superior to the industry standard MDF product. Cellular PVC is both stronger and lighter than MDF well being waterproof, mould proof, mildew proof, insect repellent, and fire retardant, in addition, Magnaboard is never damaged while sitting in retail isles because it is prepackaged, prefinished and boxed Home Depot loses up to 20% of their inventory due to damage. Magnaboard because if it’s packaging, will not see damaged product.
Unlike MDF Magnaboard, Cellular, PVC, with its magnetic head and fastening system, can be installed in numerous commercial applications where MDF cannot be installed. Because our product is surface mounted week we do not need to Pinnell into aluminum or steel stud or cinder block construction, but can surface mount to them. This opens a wide range of options for architects and designers inside commercial buildings where they only now use carpet or rubber baseboards.
One of the primary functions of Magnaboard is to be able to remove window door, trim, and baseboards for the ears of painting. No longer do you need to use tape to cut in as the paint will run behind the baseboards.
Every year hundreds of millions of miles of tape, it are thrown into landfills to merely get a straight line on the wall. This is an ecological disaster that is never talked about.