

Cinemaloop is a film social platform technology that champions inclusion and connections among diverse movie fans and cinema subculture. Our aim is to get people to the movies both mainstream and independent theater organizations like the Secret Movie Club in LA.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

One Liner

One Liner
Cinemaloop is a film social platform technology that champions inclusion and connections among diverse movie fans and cinema subculture. Our aim is to get people to the movies both mainstream and independent theater organizations like the Secret Movie Club in LA.

What Problem We are Solving

Unlike other movie discovery and ticketing platforms, Cinemaloop provides a social network specifically designed for movie fans, allowing users to connect locally and share their passion for films online and in real life. Cinemaloop's partnerships with independent theaters and film organizations like the Secret Movie Club in DTLA, will also give users access to a wider range of screenings and events than other ticketing platforms. We simplify the process of finding your movie people, buying tickets, leaving feedback on local venues or just organizing a meeting in Little Tokyo for coffee during the LA Anime Convention.

About Us

About Us
Cinemaloop is 100% remote. We have a small team of developers that have been working on this project for a couple of years. We have been developing our web app and mobile in parallel. We plan to launch a web beta in June and we'll be launching mobile by the end of the year. Sooner if we are funded and are able to work on this project full time!

Venture Highlights

We haven't launched yet, however you can check the progress we've made towards Beta at cinemaloop.app.  Additionally we are in talks with the Secret Movie Club in DTLA.  At a high level we've agreed to promote each other.  This is something that will benefit us both.  

Business Model

Business Model
SaaS and industry partnerships will be our primary revenue streams.   However we can and will make money from ticketing and Ads as well.  In the future we may add other revenue streams.  For example we could provide a Cinemaloop movie data API similar to the MovieDB or IMDb to 3rd party vendors for a fee or a ticking API, we could also sell movie paraphernalia as well but this is not our focus right now.   

Competitive Advantage

Right now there isn't a direct competitor that brings people, movies and venues together locally in the way that we will.  Currently this is a very fragmented experience and we believe we can make money by providing a platform that marries movies to a positive inclusive social experience around movies.  


We are open to meeting up to grab a coffee, or just to chat. We would really enjoy your feedback and insight into our venture and would be happy to discuss anything that you are currently working on to see if we can be of service!



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Amount Raise To Date N/A


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