
Cowtown Angels

The Leading Angel Investor Network in Fort Worth.

Fort Worth, TX, USA

Application Closed
Screening Committee
Deep Dive
Due Diligence


This application is no longer active, apply for Cowtown Angels Funding here: https://app.dealum.com/#/company/application/new/228794/tg23wq0pq94f5gn0n4az3u2tm8f4u0xb

Welcome to the Cowtown Angels funding application!

Our goal is to make this process as painless as possible. Complete and submit the application to be considered for our next investment cycle. You can view application deadlines and meeting dates at www.cowtownangels.org.

The application consists of the following sections:
Basic Info
Company Basics
Market Opportunity
Financial Data
Key Documents

We highly recommend you fill-out all fields in this application to the best of your ability as this is a highly competitive process. After you have submitted your application, please update as your company progresses.

Before you apply, be aware that Cowtown Angels charges a $250 Administrative Fee if you are one of the three or four companies invited to present to our monthly Forum events.

Thank you, 
Cowtown Angels, A Program of TechFW


Cowtown Angels Funding Criteria

Skin in the Game
Your personal financial investment in the company and investments from friends and/or family

Quality Management
A strong management team with experience and proven skills

A clear picture of the market for your product or service and a realistic plan for market penetration

Competitive Advantage
A unique product or service distinguished by an identified competitive advantage and large market

Exit Strategy
An exit strategy that will enable investors to generate at least five times their initial investment


 The Road to Funding
The Cowtown Angels funding process:

Application: Operating on a monthly cycle, all applications must be submitted no later than the last Wednesday of the previous month to be considered for the month’s Screening. After referring to our criteria, please view our event calendar for application deadlines and meeting dates. 

Screening: The Cowtown Angels screening committee first reviews each month’s applications and selects the most promising companies to move on to the next steps in the process. Applicants are notified within 48 hours of the screening meeting if selected to attend the Forum.

Forum: At Forum, you will formally present to our most active angels. You’ll be given 10 minutes to pitch to the group, and at the end, there will be time for Q&A. 

Deep Dive: If selected for Deep Dive, you’re invited to meet with interested investors the Wednesday following Forum. Deep Dive is meant to allow adequate time for investors to ask detailed questions before moving in to Due Diligence.

Due Diligence: Cowtown Angels members interested in the company form a due diligence team, headed by a Deal Lead, where the members and program scholars conduct research and evaluate the company from multiple perspectives. This process includes, but is not limited to, an evaluation of: Competition, Market Opportunity, Financial Models, Applied Technology and Legal Structure. Specific documentation from the entrepreneurs may be requested throughout this process.

Term Sheet: Following completion of Due Diligence, interested Cowtown Angels members will draft and present a term sheet to outline the investment deal. Key elements, such as industry standard terms and provisions, type of equity and board representation will be addressed.

Funding: Each Cowtown Angels member makes individual investment decisions. The respective Deal Lead will communicate with the entrepreneurs about anticipated amounts.

What an Applicant can Obtain

Cowtown Angels consists of a diverse group of individuals, each with a unique skill set and deep knowledge of multiple industries. The angels provide the following to entrepreneurs, in addition to funding, to help their companies succeed:

Cowtown Angels members are successful professionals with experience in a variety of industries. Entrepreneurs will benefit from their large knowledge base and expertise.

Cowtown Angels members have a special interest in high-potential, innovative startup companies. The investors look to provide guidance and assistance to the entrepreneurs throughout the life of the business, offering advice and making introductions that can accelerate growth.

As a program of TechFW, Cowtown Angels has the ability to connect entrepreneurs with additional resources and invaluable coaching through the affiliated organization.